Wednesday, September 18, 2024

POWERFUL: Mother Blasts Muratsuchi Over "Book Ban" Bill (AB 1825)


We need more parents like these two ladies, who spoke out against Asm. Al "Groomer" Muratsuchi for fighting to protect obscene materials like the horrible book "It's Perfectly Normal."

These "sex-ed" books are filled with smut, obscenity, and outright pornography.

What was really telling about this confrontation was that the parents corrected, "community noted" him, in real time.

Muratsuchi repeatedly claimed that there was nothing in the bill that would prevent parents from removing obscene materials, but then one of the mothers literally read from HIS OWN BILL correcting him!

Al Muratsuchi is an embarrassment to the South Bay, and to the state of California. For all his talk about local control and respecting the rights of parents, he has repeatedly supporting legislation which undermines parents and endangers children.

This is beyond disgusting, and all of us should expect better from our representatives than someone as aloof, ignorant, and arrogant as Al Muratsuchi.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Groomer Al Muratsuchi Still Refuses to Grant Hearing for Parental Notification Bill AB 1314

Predatory Mark Berndt and Groomer Al Muratsuchi

California State Asm. Al Muratsuchi is one of the biggest cheerleaders for the drop-out factories we used to call "public schools."

When he first got elected in 2012, he was a guaranteed foot-soldier for the teachers unions, who bought his campaign, bought his seat, and bought him body and soul.

One of the first bills he introduced into the legislature?

AB 375, a bill that would have made it HARDER to fire pervert teachers. The bill was so bad, that even Governor Brown had to veto it. 

Here's the full ad on Al's support for that terrible piece of legislation:

Al's bill would have allowed predators like Mark Berndt, the notorious serious child abuser from Miramonte Elementary School in LAUSD, to get away with his crimes, some suggesting that he had molested as many as 100 students!

Groomer Al Muratsuchbi also supported AB 1266 in 2013, which allowed males to use female restrooms in public schools across the state. Notice how a similar bill has NOT passed to force every private and public facility to allow men to use women's restrooms throughout the state, too. The kids are always targeted, and the groomers get to groom on campuses across the state.

And Groomer Al doesn't care. He has no problem pushing social engineering and outright abuse onto California's children.

Fast forward to 2020, and Groomer Al voted for SB 145, a bill that made it easier for sex offenders to avoid the sex offender registration. Yes. If a 24-year-old had sex with a 14-year-old, he (or she) could avoid the sex offender registry based on the discretion of the judge. That's what the bill did, and Groomer Al went all in on allowing sex offenders to abuse kids and above the sex offender registry.

How sickening does it get in Sacramento? Does anyone have any shame left in that town? Worse yet, Muratsuchi was the tie-breaking vote. It would have died on the floor of the State Assembly if he had voted for "No."

SB 145 was so bad, that outspoken progressive Lorena Gonzalez spoke out against the bill, and she urged a "No" vote on the floor of the State Assembly. As a chair for one of the key committees in Sacramento, that was an unprecedented move, her going against the state legislative leadership. And yet, Groomer Al voted for it.

In 2023 and even today, Groomer Al Muratsuch is blocking AB 1314 from getting a hearing in the CA State Assembly. This commonsense bill would require school districts to inform parents if their students are going by different names, pronouns, or claiming to be a different sex at the school.

Here's the full report from California Family Council:

California Assembly Education Committee Chair Al Muratsuchi is still blocking public debate at the state capitol over parent notification in schools despite polls showing the voters overwhelmingly support it. Last year, Assemblyman Bill Essayli introduced AB 1314, a bill requiring public schools to notify parents if a child starts identifying at school as a gender that does not align with the sex listed on his or her birth certificate. 

The legislation was assigned to the Assembly Committee on Education, but Muratsuchi refused to set the bill for a hearing. This week there is an opportunity for him to change his mind before Friday’s deadline. But Muratsuchi is still refusing.

“Nothing good comes out of keeping secrets from parents,” Essayli told a crowd gathered outside the state capitol last week. “Nobody loves their children more than their parents. If children are struggling with their identity; if they are struggling with anything at school, they need their parents. To isolate them from their parents is to do them harm.”

“Unfortunately, this legislature is so arrogant, they are so pompous, they refuse to even give my bill a hearing,” he complained. “They don’t even want to take a vote. That’s how little regard they have for the people of this state.”

Muratsuchi explained the justification for his decision in a press release last April. “As Chair of the Education Committee, I will not be setting AB 1314 for a hearing, not only because the bill is proposing bad policy, but also because a hearing would potentially provide a forum for increasingly hateful rhetoric targeting LGBTQ youth.” 

Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi

Greg Burt, vice president of the California Family Council, says this decision reveals the contempt some lawmakers have for the Constitutional rights of parents to guide and oversee the upbringing of their children. “Why is a discussion about keeping parents informed about the struggles of their children seen as threat towards LGBTQ-identified youth?” Burt asks. “Parents, keen to protect their children, always want to be informed about their kids’ lives. This is true for parents no matter what their political or religious affiliation.”  

A recent California poll confirms this contention. A SPRY Strategies poll from last November shows liberal and conservative voters agree on parent notification. The poll asks the following question: 

A school board voted to notify parents if their child identifies as transgender or the opposite sex. The Attorney General is suing that school district. Do you agree parents should be notified if their child identifies as transgender in school?”

58.1 percent of the respondents said they “strongly agree” with this statement. An additional 14 percent said they “somewhat agree.” Another Rasmussen poll from last May yielded similar results.  

After Essayli’s bill was refused a hearing last year, he joined with a group of parental rights organizations (Coalition for Parental Rights) to promote parent notification policies in local school districts. (read more here) So far 10 California School Districts have implemented a notification policy of their own, even though California Attorney General Rob Bonta filed a lawsuit against one of the school districts over the policy. (read more here

What is it with Creepy Groomer Al Muratsuchi, anyway? Why is he so determined to allow perverted adults in the classroom to get away with all kinds of predatory behavior against children?!

This is really disturbing!

At the May, 2023 town hall that he hosted in the Torrance City Council chambers, he received loud boos from the audience for blocking this bill in the State Assembly Education committee, which he currenlty chairs. I was stunned at the level of outrage directed towards him, considering that most of the voters are pretty moderate-to-liberal on most cultural issues. However,for protecting the systemic grooming of children in California classrooms. Strangely enough, he does not have the full video of that town hall on his YouTube channel ...

What will it take for voters to pay attention in the South Bay and start electing better people who actually care about the health and welfare of children? Why do so many voters from El Segundo to Palos Verdes turn a blind eye to this creepy groomer assemblyman, who is determined to give predator teachers and their enablers more protections than children and parents?

Tell Asm. Muratsuchi to vigin AB 1314 a hearing and vote YES!


Capitol Office
Capitol Swing Space
1021 O Street, Suite 5610
Sacramento, CA 94249-0066
(916) 319-2066

District Office:
3424 W. Carson St.
Suite 450
Torrance, CA 90503
(310) 375-0691

Friday, August 11, 2023

Muratsuchi Doesn't Know the South Bay, Confuses Manhattan Beach and Palos Verdes


Asm. Al Muratsuchi is inviting Manhattan Beach residents to a Community Town Hall in Rolling Hills Estates.


Who is in charge of his website? Does this guy have any shame?

Does anyone working in Sacramento have any competence at all?

Check out the post below for yourself! (here's the link)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Al's Back! (But We Don't Want Him!)

David Hadley's stunning upset in the South Bay dealt a further humiliating blow to the California Democratic Party.

They had lost their supermajority power in Sacramento after four state senators were arrested, indicted, and/or convicted of felonies. Hanford, CA cherry farmer Andy Vidak's upset victory in the Central Valley, following suspicious ethical moves then the resignation of state senator Michael Rubio, further signaled that the Democratic Party was peaking and heading downward fast.

If anyone was paying attention earlier this year, two more state senators have fallen into the crosshairs of scandal, including Kevin De Leon and Carol Liu, whose office was raided by the FBI in further connection with the

Now, hoping to take back their receding influence in the South Bay, Democrats are lining up behind recently deposed Al Muratsuchi, who wailed about the undue influence of outside money in the 66th Assembly District race.

Al has been making the rounds with local and state party leaders, trying to line up support to unseat David Hadley.

Al's back, but does the South Bay want him?

Eric Bauman, Chairman of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party

Tim Goodrich

Nannette Barragan

John Perez

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Muratsuchi Coming Back in 2016? (From Rafu Shimpo)

Former Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance) issued the following statement to his supporters on Dec. 2, the day after Republican David Hadley was sworn in as the new representative of the 66th Assembly District.

The final count in the Nov. 4 election showed Hadley with 54,401 votes (50.3 percent) and Muratsuchi with 53,695 (49.7 percent), a difference of 706 votes.
Thanks to you, I had the privilege of representing the beautiful South Bay as a California State assemblymember for the past two years.
Al Muratsuchi (Rafu Shimpo photo)
Al Muratsuchi (Rafu Shimpo photo)
With all the votes counted, I came less than one percent short of re-election. While I am confident of my record, I could not overcome a historic low voter turnout in a competitive district, combined with an unprecedented $1.4 million smear campaign bankrolled by billionaire outsider Charles Munger and other special interests.
Regardless of the election outcome, I am proud of my record of working across party lines to focus on common sense priorities like jobs, education, the environment, and fiscal responsibility. Some highlights of my record:
• Delivering balanced budgets with over a billion dollars in reserves, without voting for a single tax increase
• Enacting job-creator laws such as AB 777, which cuts taxes to help the aerospace industry create jobs, and AB 2188, which streamlines regulations to incentivize solar energy and support small businesses
• As chairman of the Budget Subcommittee on education funding, restoring over $10 billion in funding for our schools, community colleges, and universities, and saving career technical education programs like the Southern California Regional Occupational Center
• Receiving the Legislator of the Year Award from the California Solar Energy Industry Association, American Veterans (AMVETS), Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, Global Automakers Association, California Community College Association for Occupational Education, and the Boys and Girls Club of the South Bay
I could not have done all this without your support. I thank you with all my heart.
As for me, I’m not done fighting. I am preparing for a comeback in 2016, and I would appreciate your ongoing support.
Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Anti-Tribute to Al Muratsuchi

Albert Muratsuchi, state prosecutor and school board member, jumped into the 66th Assembly at just the right time.

He had money from all over the state (most outside of the district), and the national election improved his chances, too. Despite his small registration advantage ( 36% Dem, 33% GOP), Muratsuchi and his special interest hordes relentlessly, immorally, and falsely attacked the Republican challenger.

The lies were so bad, Huey filed a lawsuit against Muratsuchi. Despite the best efforts, and extensively volunteering, Huey did not carry the seat.

From the moment the former prosecutor and school board member unloaded on conservative Republican Craig Huey in 2012, I wanted to see him tank.

In 2014, tank he did.

As soon as he announced his intentions of the 66th Congressional district in 20120, Al Muratsuchi got into a mess he was never prepared for.

The Citizens Redistricting Commission did an adequate job of evening out the seats, and removing the partisan gerrymandering which had marginalized South Bay voters for decades. The seat leaned slightly Democratic based on registration, but with the right ground game, a Republican had a strong opportunity of taking the seat.

Still, from the first week of January, two Republicans were ready to fight for the seat, and Muratsuchi could take advantage of the divide and conquer.

Representing a fiscally conservative seat in a Democratic Party which has been coopted by the left, the school board trustee had not reason to trust that his ride would be an easy one.

What was Muratsuchi thinking?

I am glad to see him gone.

One has to wonder - what was the Democratic Party thinking in vetting his guy to run for state Assembly in 2012?

They judged Muratsuchi by the color of his skin, not the content of his character, pure and simple. The California Democratic Party has referred to the South Bay as "The Asian Seat" for years. Now, we can remind them that this seat, like every other, belongs to the voters, and seeks representatives who take their oath of office seriously.

For a man who claimed to uphold the Constitution, he spent an excessive amount of time denigrating people who care about this nation's founding document. He also spent a great deal of his campaigning and legislative work ignoring the charter, too.

Muratsuchi supported drivers licenses for illegal immigrants. He voted to allow boys to go into girls' bathrooms in public schools, and vice versa. He helped cut key funding to local schools, as well. He claimed to promote aerospace investments, then turns around and votes with the tax-and-spendthrift state legislature which pushed away strong businesses like Toyota, Charles Schwab, and Tesla.

This man was pro-Sacramento, not pro-business. This man was  a union puppet, not a man of the people.

With the anti-incumbent, and anti-Democratic sentiment in the 2014 election air, no wonder Muratsuchi tried to bail on this seat and run for state senate seat vacated by Ted Lieu. Democratic Party leaders pushed him back into his seat, and dumped millions of dollars on his race.

Yet he still lost. For all the talk about the corrosive influence of money in politics, the 66th Assembly race in Election 2014 proves once again that no politician can buy a seat anymore.

Muratsuchi lined up purported support from Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. Yet flashy fliers and big name endorsements do not an election win create. Voters are worried about their future, the economy, the opportunities for their kids. Local schools are still suffering brutal neglect and financial mismanagement from Sacramento, and public sector unions are still calling too many of the legislative shots on both sides of the aisle.

Muratsuchi was the poster boy for upstart liberalism trying to play the game. He had 2012 momentum, but by 2014, even liberals soured on the Obama brand, and Muratsuchi's chances soured with it.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Muratsuchi Desperation: "Hadley Belongs in Jail"

I have seen desperate campaign ads in the past.

This year, the Democratic Party across the country is pulling all the last-minute stops.

Fight racism.gif

Southern Democratic candidates and incumbents are resorting to the race card to turn out the minority vote which propelled Obama to the White House in 2008 and propped up his reelection in 2012.

A mailer targeting North Carolina Republican challenger Thom Tillis weakly tied his support for stand your ground laws to the death of Trayvon Martin in Florida.

Even liberal Fox News contributor Juan Williams found that mailer offensive.

Louisiana incumbent Mary Landrieu shamed her Big Easy constituents by suggesting that she and President Obama are unpopular because of the sexist, racist animus which persists in the South.

Yet there she is, a white Southern woman running for office, seeking the black vote. Thad Cochran resorted to similar race-baiting tactics to win the black vote in Mississippi, and then there's two other female Senate candidates, incumbent Kay Hagan in North Carolina, and challenger Michelle Nunn in Georgia.

Nunn's campaign office had prepared an offensive "minority hit list" to replenish Democratic coffers, too. Other mailers distributed in the state suggested that a Republican victory would bring back the ante-Bellum lynching culture which intimidated black voters.

These mailers are deeply offensive and historically flawed, since the Democratic Party sponsored institutional racism against black voters for decades.

Now turning to a lesser-highlighted state assembly race in Southern California, one finds an incumbent Japanese-American Democrat in the fight of his political career against businessman and party activist Republican David Hadley.

The race card has not come up in this district, apart from Muratsuchi's support for SCA 5, which would have reintroduced race as a key factor in college admissions. A large cohort of Asian-Americans, Republican and Democrat, resisted this reactionary policy, and Democratic minority voters threatened to vote GOP to intimidate the legislature away from the policy. State Senator Ted Lieu, one of Sacramento's most left-leaning lawmakers, voted against the proposal, and loss key support in his primary fight for the 33rd Congressional District.

Since the race card has not played much influence in this race, Muratsuchi has played the "Wall Street" card against Hadley. Has earning money and representing a financial firm turned into a stigma in this country?

Hadley's firm was unaware of obscure national security provisions when brokering a financial transaction in another state. His firm paid a fine, obtained a requisite license, then concluded the deal.  Another setback dealt with the Hadley's campaign setting up different committee accounts for funding outreach, messaging, and GOTV. The group's leaders had believed, understandably, that their group counted as a political action committee, and thus they could make unlimited donations to Hadley and other campaigns. Because of this mistake, Hadley returned the money.

Al Muratsuchi has made similar mistakes, and so has US Senator Dianne Feinstein. They both paid tens of thousands of dollars in fines. The double-standard on campaign funding has reached new levels of idiocy. How can one not break the law when seeking to collecting and spend money on political campaigns these days?

At any rate, these two errors have turned into a last-ditch desperate effort from the Muratsuchi camp to play the "Wall Street" card.

The latest mailer from reads:

"David Hadley doesn't belong in the Assembly. He belongs in jail."

I burst out laughing when I read that by-line.

David Hadley

Really? David Hadley belongs in jail for two mistakes on financial management?

And what about the four Democratic state senators, who have been arrested, indicted, or convicted for felonies relating to public safety and corruption? Or Former mayor Bob "Filthy" Filner and his record of sexual assault?

Not a peep out of Muratsuchi about these flagrant crimes. Not only that, but Muratsuchi's support for AB 375, a bill vetoed by Governor Brown, indicates that Muratsuchi wanted to make it harder to jail bad teachers, too.

And yet he wants to throw Hadley in jail?

Not exactly the race card, and just as misleading and pathetic as charges of "Tea Party Extremism", Muratuschi's latest "Wall Street" attacks is another failing example of Democrats' flailing desperation to survive a rising GOP wave in California and across the country.